Monday, July 11, 2011

he is the naked senryu talking about me like that..that horrible man chris

you see pam and susanne would not take down a picture, or remove archives

you should see how horrible he is writing

I am a broken woman today...
in a blur of pain that is unreal

but the Lord is justifying me

he is not saved,,chris..and taking his blessings

Become Localvore: Such as Farmer’s Markets In Your Area

Localvore movement,
Purchase foods from your city,
Conserves on travel.
i know it sounds odd,
but you can compost dog poo
the bags the poo is kept in is becoming an issue
now organic poo bags can be bought, but you can not just put it in a black garbage bag„you have to compost it still
but it is not to be used with FOOD..that sort of compost
but for flowers and plants
just google
compost doggy poo and see for yourself

Poisons and Toxin Issues from Dog Poo!

Issues in landfills,
Poisons by doggy manure,
Compost doggy poo!

Push Mower & No Chemicals

Natural lawn care,
Don’t use any chemicals,
Try a push mower.

Water Your Lawns With Rain Water

Do you own your house?
Then invest in rain barrels,
And water your lawns.
thanks for likes

Cold For Laundry

Use cold for laundry,
Hot uses more energy,
Hang dry if you can.

Check And Recheck Labels

Search product labels,
Biodegradable check,
Research thoroughly.

Summer Picnics: An Eco Nightmare

Summer picnic times,
Purchase plates that can compost,
Or washable ones.

Bring Your Own Portable Mug

A portable mug,
For take out coffee or drinks,
This conserves paper.