Monday, July 11, 2011

He Buries His Nose Within Her Blossoms

Her passion flowers,

Smell sweet, fresh and natural,

His nose in blossoms.

Tags: haiku, sexetry, poetry, creative writing, words, sex, sexy, poem, poet, bible, Bible, scripture, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christianity, Christian
 June 29, 2011
She Swirls His Berries On Her Tongue

His passion berries,

On his exotic valleys,

Holds them in her hands.


Swirling them on tongue,

She savors his sweetest fruit,

Grown on his fields.

Tags: haiku, sexetry, words, creative writing, poetry, poem, poet, sex, sexy, bible, Bible, scripture, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christian, Christianity
 June 29, 2011
3 notes
Her Honey Is His Favorite Spread

Along her trails,

She tends a sweet honey hive,

His favorite spread.

Tags: haiku, sexetry, poetry, creative writing, poem, words, kingsolomonku, solomonku, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus, bible, Bible, God, Christ
 June 29, 2011
2 notes
He Travels Her Lands to Taste her Honey

Honey grown on valleys,

He travels her land to taste,

Dripping from her hive.

Tags: haiku, sexetry, poetry, creative writing, poem, words, sex, kingsolomonku, poet, solomonku, Jesus, Jesus Christ, God, bible, Bible, scripture, solomon
 June 29, 2011
Her Honey Drips From His Tongue

A honey keeper,

She tends her hive with great care,

His sweet sugar jam


Enjoys her honey,

Cared for in her hive on her land,

Dripping from his tongue.

Tags: haiku, sexetry, poem, poetry, creative writing, words, poems, poet, sex, kingsolomonku, Christian, Christianity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, bible, Bible, God, scripture
 June 28, 2011

i have another hour and half here then a ride home..then back out with cherry cheeks/cherub
 June 28, 2011

i have to get off..lunch is well done..

busy night ahead

from pam and susanne it is plagerism simply because they do it to get anothers attention at the cost of my own the phoenix stealings..

I have to go NOW

have a good day and night

busy day ahead and evening with my cherub cherry cheeks
 June 28, 2011

myverymadexistence asked: Dear Ma'Lady
 I'd like to sing you a song
 Not from Psalms
 Or the Bible
 But sweetly from my own verse

 Plagiarize is an odd thing
 While I understand
 For you to be angered
 When one 'steals' anothers' thoughts

 But I must draw the line
 Between plagurizing
 And pure inspiration

 If they did not copy
 Your exact verse
 That you so sweetly put out
 But rather

 Form an idea
 Be thankful
 And rejoice
 Something new has sprung

 Matthew 22:39

if it is pam it is plagerism..i will view it as plagerism from pam and susanne..

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